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Born in Copenhagen, Denmark 1963. 

Living in Lohals, Langeland, Denmark.


Exhibitions of mechanical paintings: 


2024 â€‹ Bestillingsopgave til Arbejdermuseets permanente udstilling "Vi er arbejderne".

Opgaven bestod i at lave et mekaniske maleri der skulle handle om Olivia Nielsen (1852-1910). Olivia kom fra fattige kår- arbejdede som vaskekone, blev fagforeningskvinde, kommunalpolitiker og formand for Kvindelig Arbejderforbund.

Tag ind på Arbejdermuseet og se udstillingen og resten af museet! Rømersgade 22, 1362 København K.

2020 “Fazioli e tre artisti” en “pop-up” udstilling arrangeret af Frans Ravn i Pianoværkstedet Mattsson & McGehee. Udstillere er Lars Ravn, Knud Odde og mig.
Fra d. 5. oktober til d. 17 oktober. Rosenørns Allé 18- 1634 Kbh V. 
Åbent mandag-fredag: 10.00 til 17.30. Lørdag 10.00-14.00.

 “T!NG” - gruppeudstilling på Janus Vestjyllands Kunstmuseum.
fra d. 15 august til den 20 oktober 2020. Med Søren Behncke, Milena Bonifacini, Rose Eken, Morten Gersager Abel, Krista Rosenkilde, Hartmut Stockter, Bjarke regn Svendsen, Kristine Suhr, Maria Torp.

Art Herning: collager og mekaniske malerier hos Galerie Pi. Fra den 29.- 31. januar 2020

2019 Galerie Pi, “Vinterudstilling” med galleriets kunstnere - udstillingsperiode fra 8 november til d. 21 december.

Galerie Pi, galleriets kunstnere - udstillingsperiode fra 10 maj til d. 29 juni.

2017 Collager kan ses hos Galerie Pi i København.

2016 Galerie Provence, 12 March - 10 April 2016. Group exhibition “Påskeudstilling 2016”. 
Charles Lindberghs Vej 15, 9430 Vadum, Denmark.

Gallery K35 , Moscow, Russia. 19 February - 31 March 2016. International group exhibition “SEVEN”
2015  “Øst for Søndersfjord”, group exhibition at Galerie Provence with Suzette Gemzøe, Steen Ipsen, Knud Odde, Peter Ravn, Bente Skjøttgaard, Jonas Hvid Søndergaard and Kristine Suhr. 

Charles Lindberghs Vej 15, 9430 Vadum, Denmark. From 17 October to 15 November 2015. Open Thursday to Sunday 11.30- 17.00

2014  Art Vilnius , Vilnius, Lithuania. Mechanical paintings at Gallery K35, 18- 21 june 2014.

2013  Lazarev Gallery St. Petersburg, Russia. 19 May - 23 June 2013.
Group exhibition "TRY ME! DISCOVER ART!" 
with Kristine Suhr (Denmark), Marina Fedorova, Ilya Gaponov, Andrey Rud’ev, Oleg Iakovlev (France), Valeri Konevin (Belgium). 
Curators: Marina Shtager, Maria Saava. 

2012 Large mechanical painting to Lundby Skole on the island Tåsinge, Denmark.

Gallery K35 Moscow, Russia. 18 October - 2 November 2012. Solo exhibition.

Galerie Contour, Skagensvej 67, 9982 Aalbaek, Denmark. Group exhibition. 30 March - 22 May 2012.
2011 Maskepi Group exhibition at Galerie Pi with Niels Rahbaek, Kristine Suhr and Alexander Kosmala,  7- 29 January 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2009 Mini Mega Mekanisk at Galerie Pi. A group exhibition with mechanical/kinetic art. Niels Rahbaek, Charlotte Petersen, Susan Stegeager and Kristine Suhr, 15 October 2008 - 14 January 2009, Copenhagen.

2008 Art Herning. Mechanical paintings at Galerie Pi, 25- 27 January 2008, Herning, Denmark. 

2007 Art Herning. Mechanical paintings at Galerie Pi, 26- 28 January 2007, Herning, Denmark.

Art Copenhagen. Mechanical paintings at Galerie Pi, 21- 23 September 2007, Copenhagen.

2006 Art Herning. Mechanical  paintings at Galerie Pi, 27- 29 January 2006, Herning, Denmark.

Galerie Pi, solo exhibition of mechanical paintings, 9 November - 6 December 2006, Copenhagen.

Started to construct and paint mechanical paintings in 2003. Self-taught.

Paper Pop-ups and movables:

2013 I designed and published 5 movable cards. 

2012 Pop-up constructions for a leporello pop-up book “København 6 pop-ups Copenhagen” Illustrations by Peter Bay Alexandersen and Pernille Lykkegaard. Forlaget Carlsen, Denmark.

2011 Pop-up construction for a brand book for the danish company Cembrit A/S. Design Kernel Global.

2010 Constructed a pop-up invitation for the Danish-Vietnamese artist Danh Vo for his exhibition in the X-ROOM at The National Gallery of Art, 20 November 2010 - 20 March 2011, Copenhagen.

2007 Stars, two big pop-up constructions measuring 2.44 x 2.44 meters for ‘The Art Producing Music Club’ at the Stars Club, Vordingborg, Denmark.

2006 Moen Bibliotek, organised an exhibition about “The history of pop-up books”, 17 March - 18 April 2006, Moen Library, Stege, Denmark.

2005 Constructed and illustrated a pop-up LP cover for the album ”Four Rooms” with music by Claus Carlsen and Anton Johannes Hejl, Aarhus, Denmark.

2004 - 2003 Designed pop-up constructions for six pop-up books for DR Multimedie, The Danish National Broadcasting Company:

”Aellings bad” and “Bamse og Dynedyret”,  illustrations by Dina Gellert.

 Two Carousel books after H.C Andersen's fairytales.:                                  

“Kaj og Andrea- Fyrtoejet- en dukketeater bog”. Illustrations by Sussi Bech                                            

“Kaj & Andrea- Prinsessen på aerten- en dukketeater bog”. Illustrations by Sussi Bech.

And two other pop-up books:            

“Hans Christian Andersen’ for de smaa”   Illustrations by Bente Bech.                                                                         

“Taelle til 1 og taelle til 2...  Sange og remser med tal. Illustrations by Bente Bech.

1999 PKA Annual Report 1998. Design by Anton M Jensen, Poul Schou and Otto Clemmensen. Drawings by Peter Lautrop. Pop-up Kristine Suhr.

1998-99 Resigned from employment at the Danish National Museum in order to work full-time with pop-up books. Constructed and printed “The Pop-up Book” in etching with illustrations by Peter Lautrop. The book was exhibited at the Danish Museum of Art and Design, 1999, Copenhagen. 

1 month at the retreat in San Cataldo, Amalfi, Italy were I spend time making pop-up constructions.

1997-2004 Various pop-up assignments, including movable cards for the Storm P. Museum, Skagen’s Museum, Go-cards, ads, small unique projects with various artists.


2000 Winner of "The Danish Design Prize" within the category of Graphic Design, Leaflets, Technical Documentation for PKA Annual Report 1998. Design by Anton M Jensen, Poul Schou and Otto Clemmensen. Drawings by Peter Lautrop. Pop-up Kristine Suhr. 

The project was awarded the "Papyrus Award" the same year.


1992-2001 Various freelance jobs as paper restorer, including work for the Skagen’s Museum, North Jutland’s County Conservation Workshop, Royal Copenhagen, Storm P. Museum and The School of Graphic Arts at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

1996- 98 Worked at the National Museum of Denmark at the department of paper restoration in Brede.

1994 Decorated the ceiling of the garden pavilion at the Storm P. Museum, Copenhagen.

1990- 92 Assistant to various painters.

1985- 90 Apprenticeship and employed as printer of etchings at the Niels Borch Jensen Workshop for Etchings, Copenhagen. Printed for many Danish and foreign painters.


1992- 95 The School of Conservation in Copenhagen, The Department of Graphic Art, with final project on pop-up books.

1985- 90 Apprenticeship and employed as printer of etchings at Niels Borch Jensen Workshop for Etchings, Copenhagen.

1984 Admitted to the Royal Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen. Left after one year.

until 1984 - ordinary Italian and Danish school.

1969-1979 Grew up in Pino Torinese, Torino, Italy. Since 1979 living in Denmark.

                                    © K. Suhr 2024

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